Acu-Chi Kung Needle-less Acupuncture - No Fingers, No Thumb
This is the first of a series of books to be written by a LIVING Taoist master, Mantak Chia, who has cast off the cloak of secrecy that has kept this knowledge from most of the world for centuries and presented it freely to the public.
His main desire has been to prove the efficacy of this ancient approach to healing, longevity, well-being and spiritual development to the medical community, so that this ancient understanding might at last take its rightful place in the Physician's Armamentarium of Methods for Dealing with the Sick.
He realizes, too, that what he offers will enable modern man to better cope with the stress that he is currently subjected to.
Beyond even that, he indicates that these Taoists practices can permit one to glimpse new vistas and to find and have the means to develop one's potentials to the fullest extent.
ISBN: 0-043358-19-1
197 Pages
Price:$9.95 USD