Tao Garden Health Resort
Universal Tao Student and Guest Guide
This booklet gives you the full introduction and description of Tao Garden and guidelines with Map of the Tao Garden, Accommodations, Arrival, Registration, Payment, Guest Quarters, Meals and Snacks, Daily Retreat Schedule, Services Available at the Bookstore, Staff, Instructors, Tao Garden Conduct and Electronics for students and guests. There are 38 pages with color maps of the Tao Garden.
Tao Garden Health Resort: Universal Healing Tao Retreat Student and Guest Guide
This booklet is a guide that will help you find your way in this beautiful setting, with its tropical fruit trees and plants, streams, the sweet smell of flowers and the songs of birds, frogs, geckos and other small animals. In this guide you can find general information about Tao Garden, its environment, and training schedules. Tao Garden is part of the little village, Ban Talat Mai, which is situated in the Luang Nua area, part of the Chiang Mai District.
Doi Saket is a bigger village in this area, not far from Ban Talat Mai. When you come on the main road from Chiang Mai to Tao Garden, you can see a huge Buddha on your right side overlooking the valley of Doi Saket toward the mountains of Northern Thailand. It is a wonderful area for an excursion on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon by bike, motor scooter or car.
A serene learning and healing environment, Tao Garden Health Resort is set on 80 acres (40 hectares) of fertile grounds adjacent to the foothills, waterways, and forests of the Eastern Himalayas. The water, which brings life to Tao Garden, flows down to us from the mountains through streams and irrigation canals. Decorative fountains gush forth throughout our grounds. For your health, the water from our underground spring is passed through reverse osmosis and charcoal purification systems of the highest standards. It is made available in multiple locations convenient to the living and meditation areas, and in the Dining Hall.
ISBN: 0-935621-27-X
44 Pages
Price:$10.00 USD *Special Buy Now 30% Discount $6.95