Welcome back to the Chi Kids line of products designed to teach kids and their grown ups the healing art of Chi Kung. As we learned in Level I, Chi (energy) Kung (work) has its roots in ancient Taoist medicine and has been used in China for more than 5000 years. Taoist meditation may be used as a means to understanding and feeling ones body on a much deeper level. Once mastered, the practitioner may then utilize the power of the mind as a tool to attain physical harmony and emotional balance. In Level II, you and your family will learn Postures and add them to Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes an internal energy system through which Chi is circulated through the body. This transportation system is referred to as the meridian system (or channels). Chi Kids Postures and meditations will physically activate the organs, stretch the body and release stuck Chi from the corresponding meridian. These products have been designed to be experienced by grown up and
child together, so please continue to be pro-active and read these books together until your child has demonstrated that they have the practice memorized. Take this opportunity and spend some quality time with a young person and utilize this amazing system to learn about yourself and each other.