This Post Card illustrates a beautiful drawing of the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Immortal
Kuan Yin, the Archetype of Unconditional Love evoking in us complete unselfish love and service.
Her Shrine is Beloved and Revered in Taoist Temples and Chinese Households all over the world.
Kuan Yin is a shortened form of a name that means One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World. Her Chinese title signifies, "She who always observes or pays attention to sounds," therefore she who hears prayers. Sometimes possessing eleven heads, she is surnamed Sung-Tzu-Niang-Niang, "lady who brings children." She is goddess of fecundity as well as of mercy. Worshipped especially by women, this goddess comforts the troubled, the sick, the lost, the senile and the unfortunate. Her popularity has grown such through the centuries that she is now also regarded as the protector of seafarers, farmers and travelers. She cares for souls in the underworld, and is invoked during post-burial rituals to free the soul of the deceased from the torments of purgatory. There are temples all over China dedicated to this goddess, and she is worshipped by women in South China more than in the North, on the 19th day of the 2nd, 6th and 9th moons.
DL- PC10 300 dpi Price: $.50