Cosmic Healing Chi Kung II (E-T-Shirt)
Taoist Astral (Cosmic) Healing is the second level of Cosmic Healing in the Universal Healing Tao Healing Arts connecting with the cosmos by creating vortexes in the human body with created vortexes in the universe and drawing the cosmic healing energy to heal yourself and others. With the Taoist Astral Healing formulas and their Seven Meditations (Earth, Sun, and Moon Triangle, Strengthening Organs, Strengthening Energy Fields, Connecting to Galactic Forces, Balancing the Planet, Stellar and Mental Fields, Balancing Yin and Yang, and Yin Stage Awareness) we are connecting with Earth, Sun and Moon and the Crystal Room, Heart and Kidneys along with the Planets and the Vital Organs and Galaxy Six Direction Connection with the Five Palaces for Group and Individual healings.