The book, that gives you the leaves of transformation in the Tao and every time you read it, you will witness the blowing wind of transforming in yourself.
This book is the Eleventh of a Twelve Poetry Book Series with over one hundred poems and themes of the Tao and gives the transformation you experience doing the Universal Healing Tao practices in your daily life. It reveals the Taoist principles and how they affect you in your daily life. Blowing Branches is designed for Taoist practitioners of any level. The Taoist Formulas are revealed through the help of over a hundred colored illustrated poems and verses, which are especially designed to be individual framed so you can see them all the time and carries on where “Raining Mist” poems left off. The poems are intended to be a map leading the reader beyond time and space into the transformation of the mystical Tao.
The author shows us how to find a new and vital transformation of these formulas in the midst of our everyday lives. Blowing Branches is an indispensable resource for anyone who now practices or wants to learn the Universal Healing Tao System. Clearly written and illustrated, with a natural progression from simpler to more difficult material, this book provides the leaves of transformation for the Taoist practices necessary to receive the full spectrum of physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits that the Tao can bring. The author offers you on a blowing wind of poems cleansing body, mind and spirit connecting to you the transformation of the Tao. This joyous journey of poems is refreshing experience for anyone interested in exploring the Way less traveled.
In the Professor's first 19 books "Living in the Tao", "Angel's Heart", "Earth Soul", "Mountain Stillness", "Falling Water", "Forest Spirit", "Vision from Within", "Journey into Nothingness", "Rock and Drop", "What Not to Do", "Fire Burning", "Medicine Meals", "Cosmic Purification", "Mountain and Ocean", "Money Machine", "Flaming Pearl", "Grounding Roots", "Rocky Bluff" and “Raining Mist” you received a clear awareness, feeling, root, stillness, purity, vision, journey, repetition, spirit, fire, healing, purging, inner gender, correct action, flaming pearl, grounding, light and blowing wind of the Tao, now the Professor gives you the transformation of the Tao, that will be treasured by any student of the Tao. Master Mantak Chia – Universal Healing Tao System
Leaves transform sunlight
Into our life by the
Blowing wind of the Tao.
The Professor - Master of Nothingness
The Myth that takes the Mystery out of Mysticism
ISBN: 974-91660-7-8
104 pages
Price: $9.95 |
Narrated Audio File
110 megabytes
Price: $9.95 |
Poem excerpts from over a hundred themes and feelings on the Tao.
