Master Chia Tao Garden Summer Retreat 2016
Week 6: Chi Nei Tsang II & Golden Elixir Chi Kung (Certification) I August 16 (Sun.) - August 22 (Sat.)
Chi Nei Tsang II uses the Elbow Technique, working primarily with the trapped winds of the body. These can become sick or evil winds which can lead to heart attack if not released. The student will learn about the Ten Winds, how to chase and discharge them from the body and how to inject good Chi back into the vital organs and glands. Elixir Chi Kung consists of 11 postures; nine of these involve gathering forces through the saliva.
Chi Nei Tsang II: Advanced Chi Nei Tsang is the second level the Chi Nei Tsang practices utilizing hand and pressure point techniques to open up and flush out the Twelve Winds (Liver-Pericardium-Heart, Tongue-Jaw-Eyes-Head, Kidneys, Vena-Aorta-Lumbar, Abdominal, Muscle Cramps, Heart Attacks, Chest Attacks, Legs-Feet, Pain-Numbness-Heat, Nerves-Back & Heat/Cold Attacks) of the body. The Advanced Chi Nei Tsang (CNT II) formulas also use hand techniques on Specific Aliments (Heart Attacks (Life & Death Point), Heart-Kidney-Breast Blockages, Anger-Arthritis Stress, Constipation & Hiatal Hernias) for releasing any blockage or tension, which could cause severe or fatal damage.
The Emotions and Winds accumulate in the abdominal and navel area of the body and CNT II teaches you how to release the Bad Winds and sweep them out to re-establish a healthy flow (Good Winds) of vital energy. This gives you a new approach to healing by understanding the origin of the Winds and the problems they create in the body, and then health can be restored. This restoration of balance and circulation occurs through proper use of CNT II techniques to chase and release the trapped winds. Chi Nei Tsang II will guide you deeper into the rib cage, abdomen and Navel Center teaching you how to use the elbow and knuckle techniques releasing negative emotions, stress, tension, and accumulated sickness and congestion. When this occurs, all vital functions stagnate. Using CNT II techniques in and around the area of the navel provides the fastest method of healing and the most permanent results. The CNT II techniques can be applied to the abdominal center where the Universal, Cosmic Particle, and Earth Forces are combined and stored.
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